Terms & Conditions - Nature Valley Camp

These terms and conditions regulate both the Booking you ordered through Our Website and the occupation of your Room or other facility when you come to our camp. When you use Our Website or Book a Room, you confirm your agreement to these terms.
We are Nature Valley Camp, a company registered in India, number 33ILKPS3237J1ZN. Our address is Kombuthooki Estate, Kombuthooki Yercaud Salem-636601.
You are: Anyone who uses Our Website or makes a Booking for any purpose.

These are agreed terms:

1. Definitions:

  • “Booking” means the booking for accommodation, Event and/or any other services or items offered by us on Our Website.
  • “Event” means an event of any sort organised by you in a Room or Rooms at Nature Valley Camp.
  • “Our Website” means any website or service designed for electronic access by mobile or fixed devices which is owned or operated by us. It includes all web pages controlled by us.
  • “Room” means any camping shed or tent or wooden cabin offered for Booking.
  • “Campsite” means Nature Valley Camp which is owned by Deepika Sridhar of Chennai-600097, and which is situated at Kombuthooki Estate, Yercaud, Salem-636601.
  • “Services” means the provision by us of any accommodation, Room hire and/or supply of food and drink(non-alcoholic beverages) and other services, whether or not associated with Campsite services.

2. Interpretation:

In this agreement unless the context otherwise requires:




a reference to a person includes a human individual, a corporate entity and any organisation which is managed or controlled as a unit.

the headings to the paragraphs and schedules (if any) to this agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation.

any agreement by either party not to do or omit to do something includes an obligation not to allow some other person to do or omit to do that same thing.

these terms and conditions apply to all Bookings by us. They prevail over any terms proposed by you.
this agreement is made only in the English language. If there is any conflict in meaning between the English language version of this agreement and any version or translation of this agreement in any other language, the English language version shall prevail.

3. Basis of Contract:







In entering into this contract you have not relied on any representation or information from any source except the definition and explanation of the Booking and Services given on Our Website.

You acknowledge that you understand exactly what is included in the Services and you are satisfied that the Room and Services are suitable and satisfactory for your requirements.

We may change this agreement and / or the way we provide a Room, at any time. If you make any payment for Rooms or Services in the future, you will do so under the terms posted on Our Website at that time.

This agreement covers the terms of your Booking and of the occupation of the space you have booked. Some of our Services, such as the provision of food and drink and other Services provided at an Event are now or may in future be, available to you only subject to additional terms. Those terms will be set out on Our Website. You now agree that if you choose to use any such service, the relevant terms will become part of this agreement.

One or more notices in a Room you have booked or around the Campsite may contain information or our requirements as to procedures and behaviour. By accepting this agreement, you are deemed to have accepted these notices as being incorporated into this contract, conditionally only upon your reading them. If you read and do not accept any such term, you should speak to a member of the Campsite staff immediately.

If you book a Room for an Event in the name of a business or company, you confirm that you have full authority to do so and you accept personal liability for any breach of this contract by any person who attends your Event. (If you book a Room for an Event in your own name, you are in any event personally liable).


4. Your Booking:











You may place a Booking by:

4.1.1 paying for your Booking in full in advance of your arrival, either on Our Website or other portals.

You cannot transfer or resell your Booking (in whole or in part). If you transfer or resell (or attempt to transfer or resell) then Nature Valley Camp will terminate your booking and retain any money paid to us for such Booking.

In making a Nature Valley Camp Booking you agree to not use the Campsite premises or its facilities to conduct any commercial activity or activity that seeks to gain profit without prior written consent from Nature Valley Camp. 

We reserve the right of admission. We only accept responsible guests that are considerate to fellow campers/guests and be respectful of the environment.

We reserve the right to terminate your Booking and retain any money paid to us for such Booking if we reasonably believe that you are in full or part breach of this agreement [or condition mentioned in the last-previous sub paragraph]. 

You may make a Booking on someone else’s behalf. You are responsible for ensuring that any customer in your booking complies with these terms as if that customer had made the Booking.

You can only make a Booking if you are 21 years old or over. If you arrive at the Campsite and are under 21 years of age you will not be permitted to stay alone. We require photo id as proof of age.

Sale rates are only available on Our Website. 

You must ensure that the name on a booking is correct at the time of Booking. Except the conditions mentioned in these terms, this cannot be changed after making the Booking.

5. Security of your [credit card]:



Card payments are not processed on a page controlled by us. We use one or more online payment service providers who will encrypt your card or bank account details in a secure environment.

If you have asked us to remember your credit card details in readiness for your next booking, we will securely store your payment details on our systems. These details will be fully encrypted and only used to process your automatic monthly payments or other transactions which you have initiated.

6. The price and payment:










Room prices are per Room, per night and are exclusive of GST. Meals are included in the Room price.


Room and function Room prices are clearly set out on Our Website. We may charge a supplement during major Events and periods of high demand.

The price you pay is given to you on Our Website at the point of enquiry.


You may pay for meals at the same time as paying for your Room. All unused amenities or meals cannot be claimed as refund.

Prices are exclusive of any applicable taxes.

We accept payment by UPI, credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro). We do not accept personal cheques.

If you would like to pay for a Room by credit card, we make an additional charge of 4% to process your payment. This fee will be taken at the time of payment, whether online or when you check in. There is no charge for a payment by UPI/debit card.

We accept payment by cheque on a company or business account provided we have it at least [three weeks] before the arrival date. We negotiate all cheques immediately on receipt. If a cheque is not honoured at first presentation, the reservation is cancelled.


7. Cancellation and relocation




If you cancel within the periods specified in the table below, we shall refund payment you may have made for the period cancelled. If you cancel later, you are not entitled to any refund of money paid. 

The confirmation of cancellation that we send to you is your proof of cancellation and should be retained by you.

If a Room is unavailable on arrival (due to any reason) then, we will either:

 7.3.1 Provide an alternative Room in the Campsite; or
7.3.2 At your request, cancel your Booking and refund you any money you have paid in advance for the Rooms including related additional services (if any).

8. Arrival and departure




Rooms are available from [3.00pm] on the arrival date.

Please let us know if you are likely to arrive after [8.00pm] 

Your Room must be vacated by [11.00am] on the day of departure. If you do not fully vacate by this time, we may charge you for an additional night.

9. Our minimum provision: Rooms






Our Luxury Room provides accommodation as follows: It accommodates 2-4 persons. It has A/c, attached bath, private campfire, sunset patio, Wi-fi, solar backup.

Our wooden cabin provides accommodation as follows: It accommodates 2-4 persons. It has Air Cooler, attached bath, private campfire, sunset patio, Wi-fi. 

Our Bison sheds provides accommodation as follows: It accommodates 4-8 persons. Fully covered sheds provided with instant pop-up tents, basic electrical facilities, Wi-Fi, common restrooms

We will provide an extra bed [at extra charge].

Breakfast is served in the restaurant between [7.30 am – 9.30 am], Lunch is served between [12.30 pm- 2.30pm], Snacks between [4.30pm-5.30pm] and Dinner between [7.30pm-10.00pm]

10. Restrictions:

For you and every person in your party or attendee at an Event organised by you, you agree that you will not:

















bring any pet animal into the Campsite, except guide dogs for the blind;

smoke in any part of the Campsite buildings, tents or dining area. If you do, we may terminate your stay or Event immediately and you will be entitled to no compensation.

use in the Campsite any electrical appliance [except laptop computers, tablets, and mobile telephones] without obtaining our specific consent in advance;

advertise, market or otherwise offer any Campsite Room for sale either on its own or as part of a combined offer.

cause damage to any part of the Campsite, any Room, or any fixture, fitting or furniture. If you do, you agree to pay us immediately the sum we estimate as the cost of making good that damage.

create loud noise after 22.00 before 08.00 out of respect for the other guest staying onsite.

Drink, behave disorderly or abusive towards us or other guests. We reserve the right to ask you to leave immediately, no refund, should this occur. We don’t serve alcohol in our premises.

Use illegal drugs or substance or carry out any dangerous, offensive, illegal or immoral activities in any part of our premises. We reserve the right to ask you to leave immediately, no refund, should this occur.

Smoke inside your accommodation. When you’re smoking outside the accommodation kindly dispose the cigarette responsibly as it may trigger forest fires and you will be responsible for the damages caused. 

Leave children unattended without adult supervision and management is not responsible for their safety. 

Loiter beyond the restricted area around the estate. This is for your own personal safety. The management is not responsible for your personal safety and belongings. 

Use drones, guns or weapons. 

Hurt any wildlife, disturb, or trigger them with loud noise, flashlight or fire. 


11. Event Management:








You will not organise or manage an Event which promotes discrimination or animosity to any person on grounds of gender, race, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age. If you are in breach of this provision, we may immediately terminate your Event whereupon every attendee will be a trespasser and will be removed.

We reserve the right to disallow the presence in the Campsite of any person, whether contracted or as an attendee.

If you organise any commercial Event you must tell us the name, address and profession of any contractor, speaker or other professional service provider whose services you intend to use at the Event.

Within [seven days] of your Booking a Room at the Campsite, you must supply to us complete evidence of a policy of public liability insurance with a minimum cover of Rs [1,00,000] per claim and receipt for the last premium paid.

You may not use signage or photographic equipment in the public areas of the Campsite.


12. Disclaimers and limitation of liability:











All implied conditions, warranties and terms are excluded from this agreement.

You agree that in any circumstances when we may become liable to you, the limit of our liability is the amount you have paid us for Booking.

This paragraph (and any other paragraph which excludes or restricts our liability) applies to our directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents and affiliated companies as well as to us.

In all other circumstances, our total liability shall not exceed twice the daily rate charged for your Booking.

Except in the case of death or personal injury, our total liability under this agreement, however it arises, shall not exceed the sum of Rs. 1,00,000.

We shall not be liable to you for any loss or expense which is:

indirect or consequential loss; or

economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or we knew you might incur it.

Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as limiting or excluding our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.


13. Your indemnity:

You now agree to indemnify us against all loss, including economic loss, caused to the Campsite, its staff, contractors, clients and guests, arising from:






your breach of this agreement;

damage to any Room, fixture, fitting or furniture by you or any person for whom you have made a booking, or who is in your party or who attends any Event;

the engagement of any external contractor by you. 

any adverse effect you may have on any third-party customer or client of ours, or any actual or potential booking by any such person.


14. Miscellaneous matters:

You now agree to indemnify us against all loss, including economic loss, caused to the Campsite, its staff, contractors, clients and guests, arising from:


















If any term or provision of this agreement is at any time held by any jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, then it shall be treated as changed or reduced, only to the extent minimally necessary to bring it within the laws of that jurisdiction and to prevent it from being void and it shall be binding in that changed or reduced form. Subject to that, each provision shall be interpreted as severable and shall not in any way affect any other of these terms.

Any obligation in this agreement intended to continue to have effect after termination or completion shall so continue.

No failure or delay by any party to exercise any right, power or remedy will operate as a waiver of it nor indicate any intention to reduce that or any other right in the future.

Any communication to be served on either party by the other shall be delivered by hand or sent by first class post or recorded delivery or by e-mail.

It shall be deemed to have been delivered:

if delivered by hand: on the day of delivery;

if sent by post to the correct address: within 72 hours of posting;

if sent by e-mail to the address from which the receiving party has last sent e-mail: within 24 hours if no notice of non-receipt has been received by the sender.


In the event of a dispute between the parties to this agreement, then they undertake to attempt to settle the dispute by engaging in good faith with the other in a process of mediation before commencing arbitration or litigation.

This agreement does not give any right to any third party.

We are neither liable for any failure or delay in performance of the [event / contract / arrangement] for which a Booking is made, nor for any circumstance beyond our reasonable control, [including industrial action, natural causes, postal communication, plant failures, supply of gas, electricity and water or fire alarm evacuation]. No refund will be issued in such cases. 

The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India.