Check-in and check-out times:

Guests are expected to check in at 3.00 PM and check out at 11.00 AM. Failure to comply with the check-out time may result in additional charges.

No smoking:

Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas and some outdoor areas as well. Violation of this rule may result in penalties.

No pets:

At NVC, we do not allow pets on our premises.

Noise level:

Resorts usually have strict rules regarding noise levels. Loud music or other disturbances that disturb other guests may result in penalties.

Food and beverage:

Guests are not allowed to bring outside food or beverages inside the premises.

Safety and security:

Resorts may have rules and regulations related to safety and security. Guests should follow any instructions provided by the resort’s management in this regard.


Guests are responsible for any damages caused by them during their stay. The resort may charge the guest for the damages.


Trolleys are not allowed inside Bison Shed as it may cause severe damage to the property.

Guest behaviors:

Guests are expected to behave appropriately and respectfully towards other guests and resort staff. Any inappropriate behaviour may result in penalties or even eviction.

Waiver Form:

Signing the waiver form is mandatory for trekking activities.

No stag entry:

Stag Entry is not allowed in our resort.